Thursday, May 30, 2013

Used Games Fee

            I can fully understand why people are in an uproar about Microsoft’s plan to charge for used games. It’s been a freedom we’ve had forever on consoles. I can also see Microsoft’s side of the field because they see an opportunity that could land them more money in their pockets. They’re in the business of making money. What seems interesting to me as of late is that people don’t realize that Sony is in the business of making money as well. Who’s playing a better ball game? I’d say Sony right now because they’ve simply kept their mouths shut on things they don’t want to discuss right now. They’ve kept their mouths shut for months. Microsoft on the other hand let loose cannon, Phil Harrison, out of the box and he has aided in the biggest controversies surrounding the next generation of Xbox. Here’s the deal Microsoft, don’t wait until E3 to address these issues. It’s just pissing people off more. You should have kept your mouths shut on things you didn’t really want us knowing yet.
            Now I am writing this blog because people are annoying the hell out of me with this whole used games issue and I would like to express my opinion on the matter. It’s not something I’m entirely adopted to yet, especially since we don’t know all the details surrounding it. I understand that Microsoft wants to stop piracy and all that mumbo jumbo. That’s fine. I just want them to clear the air about it and tell us if they are or not. It’s not something they should be ashamed of. If you made the decision to do this, stand by it and explain to us why we should still buy your console. Own up to your decisions, please. Letting this controversy of, “will they or won’t they,” crap is simply annoying. I’m tired of hearing people say, I’m buying a Playstation 4 now. Good for you. I will be too, but I will also be purchasing an Xbox. Who cares what consoles we own? What you need to understand is that we don’t know whether or not Sony is going to do that as well. They’ve kept quiet on the issue and I’m eager to see how it plays out. I’m not basing my console buying decision in Sony’s favor or Microsoft’s because I know the bare freaking minimum that they decided to share. If you chose to switch consoles based on the little knowledge we have so far, then go ahead, it’s no hair off my chest. Rest assured, by the time the consoles are available for purchase, we will know EVERYTHING. Until then…
            When it comes down to my preference of the used games fee, I can tell you that I am opposed to it. I don’t like the idea of having to pay for a used game, then paying more money so I can play it on my console. I think that’s just insane. I suppose if the fee was extremely small, like say, five dollars, I might be more open to it, but I highly doubt that will be the case. Are developers really losing all this money over used games? You didn’t sell the copies in the first place to these people and it’s none of your business who we share what we paid for with. That’s how I see it. Hell, if I buy a Cd or a DVD, I can share that with whomever I wish and there is no fee for them to watch or listen to them. On the other hand, playing devil’s advocate here, this practice isn’t new. PC gamers will tell you that they can’t share their games with their friends. All the PC games I own are tied to my account on whichever service I’m using. So is it really that big of a deal if my console starts to play the same tune?
            I don’t think so. I honestly thought about it and I could care less if they charge people for used games. Here’s why. I’m selfish. How you spend your money is your business and how I spend my money is my business. I, for one, will not pay for used games. Instead, I’ll just wait for the games I want to go on sale and them purchase them brand new. That’s pretty much what I do now. The real issue I’m going to have with it is the effects that will carry over to amazing services like Gamefly. I love Gamefly. It’s affordable and I can play whatever I want. In fact, I won’t get rid of Gamefly. I will continue to support them if all next gen consoles won’t. I still have my original Xbox (the first one, not the One…so dumb), and I have my 360. I will rent all the games I want to play on those consoles. Then I will purchase a Playstation 3 so I can play all the games I’ve wanted to play for years on that console. If the Playstaion 4 isn’t doing this whole charging for used games thing, then I will buy one and play all my games using Gamefly.
            So you may not like the direction Microsoft is going (or Sony if they decide to do the same), but the fact of the matter is, there is nothing you can do about it. If you don’t like it, vote with your wallet. Don’t buy an Xbox, don’t buy a Playstation, and don’t pay for used games. It’s on YOU, the consumer, to dictate how you spend your money and it’s not a concern of anyone else. I honestly think this trend will occur across all systems eventually, if not on the next gen systems. Always online will eventually happen too. If you love games, you’ll just have to adapt because whether you like it or not, consoles are becoming more and more like computers where you’ll never get to share your games and you’ll have to be connected to the internet at all times. And if you don’t like that, reading is a fun hobby. I enjoy it.

Just for the record, I do intend on purchasing BOTH PS4 and Xbox One (despite the awful name). I’m not taking sides nor am I trying to start a war. These are my opinions and I’d gladly have a friendly debate with anyone who wants to.

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