Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I'm Back, Miss Me?

It has been awhile since I've been able to get this mess of words out of my head.  I've tried sitting down to blog and to work on my book, but I have an utter hatred for everything I write.  My buddy Patrick has repeatedly told me to pull my head out if my ass and just write.  Even with his amazing words of inspiration, I've still fallen short in the "I enjoy my writing" category.  So I decided to try something new.
Actually I was sitting here flipping through my awesome Windows Phone 7 and came across the Office app and figured I could use Word to try and type my first real blog from a phone.  Sure, I typed three sentences last November from my dinky Droid, but that sucked.  I figured this would be a nice way to break this writers block or whatever this stump I'm in is called and start fresh again.  At least this way it takes a lot of the pressure off of how anal, haha I said anal, I am about my spelling and grammar.  I just want everything to be perfect, but typing out a blog on a cell phone has made me realize that this could be a disaster and I'm okay with that.
I've always tried to make it so my blog was a writing stepping stone to help prepare me to write a book, but it's not even close.  It has become a very fun hobby though, that is when I don't try to make everything perfect.  I decided to give up on where "This Gaming Life" was headed because it was eating my insides.  Seriously, I'm sure it was just as painful to read as it was for me to write.  Hours of my life were wasted on three of those blogs and they have been my least viewed posts.  That segment was supposed to be about how gaming has impacted my life and I plan to get it back there, so no more rating past games. 
Another thing that has bugged me about my writing is the fact that I'm trying to be funny.  Why?  Because people like funny and they'll continue to come back.  They'll also continue to come back if you write more than once every other month.  I suppose I let myself get a little overwhelmed when it comes to seeing the success others have in an area I'm attempting to have talent in.  Cracked.com has made me want to be funny while The Hunger Games has made me want to talented enough to make the world crazy for awhile.  I know I have the talent, I just feel like my son must feel when he haunches himself up on all fours and rocks back and forth as if practicing a future sex move all because he knows he has the ability to crawl.  I have the ability to write, I guess I just need to hump the air long enough until I figure it out.
Oh, I just thought of another reason I think I let myself fall into this slump.  Other than pretending to be a comedian when I'm more talented being myself and just hating my writing regardless, it was competition.  I wasn't trying to be competitive, but a person I had worked with started a blog almost a year after I started mine and I think it was partly because I pepped mine up so much that it may have inspired him.  He is a talented dude artistically but I didn't enjoy his writing.  At first he began hounding the shit out of people to subscribe to him, check my page to see how many people I have, and then talk to me more about how much people like his shit.  It kind of pissed me off because I pride myself on the fact that the 23 people who subscribed to me did it because they enjoy my writing, not because I tried to make myself feel superior because my subscribers number is higher than someone else's.  This is my hobby and I don't need to compete, but damnit to hell if he didn't make me feel like I needed to.  Was this his intention?  Maybe, I don't know, I just got that vibe when he kept telling me how many people signed up for him every other hour for two weeks straight.  I had to unsubscribe from his blog though, one to cut that tie that we were in competition, but also because he writes about his kids and family and it's a demographic I'm not a part of.  I feel by staying subscribed I'd be as fake as any of the other people who don't read his stuff because they don't care.  He should have subscribers that give a damn and I hope that the 23 of you care about this fucking blog because it isn't going anywhere.  No hard feelings man, just my way of thinking.
So on my phone I have no idea how long that last paragraph is going to look, but one thing im taking away from this experience is the fact that I don't care.  I like having ideas of things to blog about so shoot me a message or an email and let me know your ideas.  Don't be a bitch, just do it.

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